Cash Rate Calculator

Speedy Couriers offer two types of service:

Please note these rates are general non-account quotes.  For a superior rate, please email and request a personalised rates schedule.

  • Urgent varies from 60 minutes (or even faster by special request) through to 90-120 minutes.
  • Non Urgent can take between 3 hours to 1 day. The time-frames for delivery can be found here.

Urgent (60 mins) Line up the suburbs on our grid chart to get the number of zones, then multiply that by our non-account rate of $15.00. Example – St Heliers to Western Springs is 3 zones x $15.00 equals $45.00 incl. GST.

Non Urgent (Approx 3 hour job) Line up your suburbs and multiply by $5.00. Example – St Heliers to Western Springs  is 3 zones x $5.00 equals $15.00 incl. GST.

Grid Chart Web Speedy

  Urgent example costing


Non Urgent example costing


Area Chart Speedy